Monday, March 3, 2014

Polar bears

     Polar bears are very peaceful Animals. At least when you don't mess with them. Female polar bears would do Anything to protect there cubs, and keep them safe. Read more to find out about polar bears.

Polar bears live in the North Pole. You know because they live in the arctic circle, which is Canada, some parts of the United States, Alaska, and of course, the North Pole. You may be confused on why they live comfortably in the below 0 degree weather. Well because polar bears have thick black leather like skin underneath there fur. And a lot of black things attract heat such as fabric, black leather, etc. So if they have black skin, then the heat attracts the skin and makes them warmer. 

Just like there skin is black, there nose is too. When I was little, someone told me there nose was black because when the stuck there nose in the cold sea, it was heated by the sun after they were cold. But I don't believe it. The reason there nose is black is because there nose is a part of there skin. So if there skin is black there nose has to be black because your skin can't be one color and have another part of your skin be a different color. But the heat from the sun is attracted to it's nose because it is black.

You may think polar bears' fur would be white, but you are wrong there my friend. A polar bear's fur is clear, but it looks white because all of the strands of hair are bunched up. And another reason there fur looks white is because there fur reflects off of the sun and it looks white from all angles.

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