Thursday, February 13, 2014

1.13.14 AHW

How to do a cartwheel

1. Stretch

2.make sure you are on a mat or something soft

3.start with your hands up

4.stretch your arms up and over

5. Begin to square you hips

6.put your hands down on the ground 

7.pit you first leg in front

8. Start to kick yourself off of the ground

9. Twist yourself over

10. Land with your arms up! (When your get advanced, you have to put your hands up to do the next flip).

Look at this video to learn more:


  1. Cool! With these directions I might actually succeed!
    - Megan C.

  2. thanks for the tips last time i ran into a wall

  3. I actually tried your steps and watched the video. The results were awesome!
